Visual representation of Sheryl's emotional state

01 / 14

You're a diamond in a world that prefers rhinestones & that's okay. You're not meant for everyone.

(Of. Luna's Realm)

The deepest struggle felt like the entire world was filled with darkness and you're all alone. Despite all the uncertainties, I chose me.

01 / 19

You are strongest when you think you are weak. When every breath hurts and still you breathe.

(L.E. Bowman)

Immense loneliness filled my heart, alongside tremendous amount of guilt. I turned to Christ and He wrapped me in His wings, and kept me safe. He knew me, and loved me anyway.

01 / 13

Perfect love casts out fear

(1 John 4:18)

I learnt to breathe and let go of the things I cannot control, and simply trust in His faithfulness. I began to forgive myself.

01 / 15

For the first time after a long time, I felt free, to be myself. There are bad days, but I remind myself it's okay to feel down, to be compassionate. Focus on what makes your soul happy
